CENRO: Only 3 trees fit for earth-balling

CEBU, Philippines- The Community Environment and Natural Resources Office has found three out of 15 trees at the center island of Pope John Paul II Avenue, fronting Seminario Mayor de San Carlos, fit for earth-balling.

The Cebu City government has requested for earth-balling and tree cutting permit for the trees at the center island to give way to a road project of the Department of Public Works and Highways.

Mayor Michael Rama wanted to clear the center island in front of the seminary in Barangay Mabolo to provide a wide opening at the entrance in preparation for the hosting of the International Eucharistic Congress next year.

An IEC Pavilion is built at the seminary compound where an estimated 15,000 foreign and local delegates are expected to gather in January 2016.

CENRO personnel have assessed a total of 15 trees planted at the center island, 11 fire trees and four mahogany trees.

Ronilo Rentucan and Jane Yparraguirre reported that based on their inspection, only three are fit for earth-balling. Most of the trees have to be cut provided that the city government and the DPWH can secure the necessary permit.

According to CENRO personnel, they have already relayed advance information to the city government to secure all the necessary requirements for the permit. These include barangay certification that it has no objection, certification or endorsement from DPWH, minutes of the hearing, attendance sheets, and pictures showing that a public consultation with the environmentalist group was conducted.

The Cebu City Parks and Playground Commission through its chairman Librado Macaraya, Jr. requested for the Special Tree Cutting and Earth-balling Permit to transfer the trees.   Earth-balling is a process of transferring, from one location to another, a tree or vegetation that has grown past its seedling stage.

“There are 12 of those trees are above 15 centimeters in diameter, while only three are qualified for earth-balling,” said CENRO inspectors.

The assessment was based on the November 27, 2009 memorandum issued by then DENR Secretary Lito Atienza that establishes the guidelines and procedures on planting, maintaining and removing of trees in urban areas and areas affected by government infrastructures projects.

According to the memorandum, a grown tree measuring 15 centimeters and below may be earth-balled if they are found to be healthy; its immediate environment or surrounding are free from any structures or impediments to support digging and moving operations; and a suitable and available site is properly identified by DENR with a guaranteed continuous growth and survival.

Rama wants to demolish the center island on Pope John Paul II Avenue not only for the IEC but to address the traffic and flooding problem in the area as well.  (FREEMAN)



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