Man assault cops, faces criminal raps

CEBU, Philippines – A man was arrested by the police Tuesday in Dumanjug town for direct assault and disobedience to law enforcers.

Victor Tuto, 37, resident of the town’s Barangay Tubod-Bitoon, was accused of trying to punch a police officer. He also pushed one of the policemen and called them names.

The members of Dumanjug Police Station responded to a call for help from Tuto’s live-in partner who wanted to get her 2-year-old son from the suspect.

Police Officer 2 Ronilo Quirante, desk officer, said that Tuto took custody of his son and prevented his live-in partner from getting the child after they had started a quarrel a week ago.

Because of the request from the mother to help her get her son, the police responded together with the officials from the Municipal Social Welfare Office.

According to Quirante, Tuto was persuaded by the social worker to give the child to the mother. When the mother started to leave together with the child, the suspect allegedly grabbed the child’s hand hurting the boy in the process.

The police intervened but Tuto allegedly pushed them away causing PO2 Danny Comero to fall on the ground.

His companion, PO1 Dave John Faunillan, came to the rescue but the suspect tried to hit him with his fist. Faunillan, however, was able to dodge the punch while the suspect started calling them names.

“Mga boang mo’ng mga pulisa mo,” were some of the words allegedly uttered by Tuto.

The suspect was eventually arrested and is now facing complaints for direct assault and disobedience to persons or agents of persons in authority. —/FPL (FREEMAN)

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