MGB asked to study Busay school site

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City’s Local School Board wants the Mines and Geosciences Bureau-7 to conduct a scientific survey on the original site of the Busay Elementary School to determine if the school, indeed, needs to be transferred.

This is because the board found out that MBG-7 based its initial assessment, which identified the area as landslide prone, on visual investigation and inspection alone.

“There is a need for a more scientific analysis on the ground where the school site is situated,” said LSB Chairman Ronald Diola.

He said the school board wants a systematic and precise data proving that the school’s site is definitely a danger zone.

“It is proper to conduct a more thorough geo-technical study in assessing the (school’s) area,” Diola said.

Classes had to be transferred to the barangay’s sports complex middle of last year after MGB found the site at risk for a possible landslide.

However, students and teachers had to move back to the original location yesterday following the minor landslide at the sports complex site the other day.

Yesterday morning, the city’s structural engineers inspected the school building and declared that the building had no structural defect even with the ground movement during the October 2013 earthquake.

Because of this, students and teachers helped move materials back to the old school and classes will resume this Thursday.

“At present, the only viable site is the old site… Once the study shows that the location is okay then students will stay. Once the study shows that the area is not stable, then we will transfer and look for another site,” Diola said.

“(The next possible move) would depend on the result of the geo-technical study,” Diola said.

The LSB, with the assistance of the school representatives and the Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council, has coordinated with MGB-7 for more sustainable

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