Lechon downs 50

CEBU, Philippines - Fifty people, including children, were reportedly poisoned after eating lechon in Tudela town, Camotes Island on Tuesday.

Of the victims, at least 15 were brought to the hospital Wednesday night after they experienced abdominal pains, nausea, diarrhea, and fever. 

Only four though were admitted while the others were sent home to recuperate. Four children were admitted to the hospital, according to the Provincial Health Office.

Two of them are expected to be discharged today.

 Mario Joyag, assistant PHO head, said the victims started to feel ill after eating lechon, which was sold to the families of construction workers of the town’s civic center.

He, however, made it clear that they cannot yet rule out if the incident was a case of food poisoning as they have yet to conduct investigation.

Joyag reported that one of the patients tested positive for amoebiasis, prompting him to suspect that the food was “most likely” contaminated and not properly prepared.

As of press time, the patients were already recuperating and were given medications.

“They (four) were moderately dehydrated. But naay 11 nga nagpa-consult pero wala ran na-admit, outpatient lang,” Joyag told reporters.

The province’s health office will be sending teams to look into the incident and check the possible sources of contamination.

Doctor Ian Genaldo, medical doctor III of Ricardo Maningo Memorial Hospital in San Francisco town, said the victims suffered from acute gastroenteritis.

But Genaldo said they are not discounting the possibility that the incident was caused by food poisoning.

“There is only one source of food that caused the ailment. The symptoms observed were of food poisoning,” he said. — Michael Vencynth H. Braga and Kristine B. Quintas/ATO



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