Amend city trash collection ordinance

CEBU, Philippines - The Solid Waste Management Board has asked for the revision of a Cebu City ordinance on the collection of garbage fees among private establishments as part of its efforts to solve the garbage problem in the city.

Lawyer Jade Ponce, chairman of SWMB, said that there is a need to revisit City Ordinance 1361 or “An ordinance establishing a system of garbage collection, imposing fees therefore, and expropriating funds and for other related purposes.”

Ponce said the ordinance was passed 25 years ago and that the system on garbage fees is no longer responsive.

“Mas matarong atong pag-manage sa atong solid wastes if naa ta’y funds,” he said.

Ponce said that SWMB has been fighting for the revision, hoping that a city councilor would sponsor for the amendment of the ordinance, particularly on the part wherein universities, colleges, food chains, and other private establishments are paying for the regulatory fees not based on the actual volume of waste generated.

Ponce said that under C.O 1361, the collection of garbage fees is based on the area of a certain establishment and not on the volume of garbage it generates in a day.

A warehouse for example that occupies a 150,000-square-meter area generates less garbage compared to a 100,000-square-meter fast food chain. However, Ponce said that the former pays more fees compared to the latter.

He cited that the city government is earning P800 a year for the garbage generated by a university with more than 20,000 population.

This is because the collection of garbage is based on the type of business and its size, Ponce said.

 “We are paying a private landfill in Consolacion town P700 per ton for tipping fee, and wala pay labot sa gasoline, manpower, and many other expenses. Imagine that?” he said.

Ponce said that SWMB is currently deliberating on the speci-fics of the increase of garbage fees, adding that it would be based on the actual cost of wastes generated.

He said that the garbage problem can be addressed through three major components - waste generation and segregation; garbage collection and transportation; and how to treat the collected garbages.

Ponce said the board needs funding to realize these plans.

One way of raising revenue is to collect realistic fees from the establishments, Ponce said.

He is hoping that a councilor would help the board through sponsoring the revision of the “outdated” City ordinance No. 1361.  (FREEMAN)

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