Cops say Sumabong’s arrest will lead to solving other crimes

CEBU, Philippines - After the arrest of Joel Sumabong, the alleged leader of the Sumabong-Ancero criminal group, police are optimistic of solving many crimes in northern Cebu.

Cebu Provincial Police Office director, Senior Supt. Noel Gillamac, said that being one of the most wanted persons in the province, Sumabong’s arrest can be considered a big accomplishment for the police.

Sumabong, allegedly involved in different crimes in northern Cebu, was arrested in a buy- bust operation in Bogo City last Saturday. The operation was hatched after three days of surveillance.

Sumabong is alleged to be behind the heist at the Land Bank of the Philippines Bogo branch in 2005. He even implicated Board Member Celestino Martinez III, but the latter was exonerated from charges.

Sumabong’s arrest stemmed after three days of continuous surveillance operation by the Provincial Intelligence Branch, Provincial Investigation and Detection Management Branch, and the Provincial Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Group.

Sumabong had denied the accusations and said that he, his wife, son and the two helpers were on the way to buy pig for their lechon business but police arrested them.

He said he did not know where the illegal drugs came from and was surprised that there were guns, grenade and more than P600,000 worth of suspected drugs confiscated from them.

Sumabong said he does not intend to run from the law and told reporters that he was trying to live a clean life by engaging in legal businesses.

He said he used to work as a security guard but had to find ways how to make ends meet.

His wife said that if his husband was involved in the illegal drugs business, she would not have accompanied him.

At the Capitol, Martinez sponsored a resolution commending CPPO, the Provincial Investigation and Detection Management Branch and the Provincial Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Group for Sumabong’s arrest and for another successful anti-drug operation in Barangay Lamintak Norte, Medellin.

In the resolution, Martinez commended the leader of the Provincial Intelligence Branch, Inspector Leo Logroño, for arresting a suspected cohort of an alleged drug pusher in Barangay Lamintak Norte.

 “The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the Province of Cebu commends the successful operations led by the Ceby Provincial Police Office and urges them to continue its campaign against illegal drugs within the Province,” Martinez’s resolution reads.

Ariel Ortega, another reportedly big time drug personality, was arrested while a certain Pedring was killed during a shootout.

Confiscated were five large packs, two medium-size packs, and nine small packs of shabu weighing of 35 grams at P413,000.

The police confiscated six large packs of suspected shabu worth P649,000; two .45 cal. pistol with 28 rounds, one of which is a government model; a .357 cal. revolver with four live rounds; a .38 cal. revolver with  three live rounds, and a fragmentation grenade.

The suspect’s multicab was also confiscated.  (FREEMAN)



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