Elected officials urged to undergo drug test

CEBU, Philippines -  The president of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines-Cebu Chapter has challenged elected officials to submit themselves voluntarily to drug screening to set an example to provincial and municipal employees who were subjected to surprise random drug test.

“Much better mo-undergo gyud sila. As a leader, you must lead by example,” said LMP president and Tuburan Mayor Democrito Diamante.

Diamante said this would also boost the public trust and ensure that municipalities are being governed by drug-free officials.

In June, Diamante requested drug test in his town where he voluntarily submit himself first. In the said drug test, one employee was found positive for shabu use. Last year, a total of 11 employees in Tuburan were dismissed from service after having been found positive for illegal drug use.

Cebu Governor Hilario Davide III had made the same call to all local chief executives in the province during the first drug test in the Capitol where he also underwent the screening.

To date, at least 15 Capitol employees have been removed from office after they tested positive for illegal drug use.  The Capitol, through the Cebu Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Commission, has been conducting series of drug tests in the municipalities as part of its anti-drug campaign and the province’s thrust to clear the provincial government from drug users.  So far, CPADAC have conducted drug screening to 13 local government units.

So far, only the elected municipal officials of Tudela have voluntarily submitted to the drug screening. Joey Herrera, CPADAC executive director, said that most towns only the mayor underwent the drug test. The town officials of Tudela who submitted to the test were Mayor Erwin Yu, Vice Mayor Greman Solante, Councilors Mary Ann Tapayan, Roel Belogolo, and Ninfa Orge. (FREEMAN)

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