11 more Camotes workers test positive for drug use

CEBU, Philippines - A total of 11 municipal workers were found positive of illegal drug use during the series of drug test conducted by Cebu Provincial Anti-drug Abuse Commission in the towns of Camotes Island.

The drug test was also made upon the request of the municipal governments.

A male employee tested positive of shabu in another surprise drug test in the municipality of Tudela yesterday.

A total of 47 employees were subjected to the drug test. Municipal Mayor Erwin Yu, as well as Vice Mayor Greman Solante and Councilors Mary Ann Tapayan, Roel Belogolo, and Ninfa Orge also underwent the screening.

Joey Herrera, CPADAC executive director, said this was the first time that the CPADAC conducted drug test in the towns where the municipal officials voluntarily submitted themselves to the test.

In Pilar town, none of the municipal employees tested positive of illegal drug use. Herrera said a total of 67 employees were subjected to the screening.

In a report posted on the provincial government's website, Mayor Jesus A. Fernandez, Jr. said 40 regular employees were required to take the test while the casuals and job orders were picked randomly.

CPADAC also conducted two separate drug tests in Camotes Island on Monday where 10 workers tested positive of drug use, eight in the municipality of San Francisco, and two in Poro.

Apart from them, three employees of San Francisco and two others in Poro admitted during a random drug screening that they have been using illegal drugs. In San Francisco, a total of 60 employees underwent the drug test while 43 in Poro.

Herrera said CPADAC would recommend to the local chief executives the termination of those who would be tested positive of drug use.

Republic Act No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 provides that any officer or employee found positive of dangerous drugs use shall be dealt with administratively, the offense being a ground for suspension or termination, subject to the provisions of the Labor Code and the Civil Service Law.— (FREEMAN)

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