CCAIB wants KTV bar closed

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Anti-Indecency Board (CCAIB) has recommended to the City Legal Office the closure of East Paris KTV Bar in Barangay Mabolo.

CCAIB chairman Lucelle Mercado said the recommendation was the result of the board’s emergency meeting yesterday afternoon.

“Our resolution recommending the closure has been forwarded to the City Legal Office,” she told The FREEMAN.

She said the closure order will be served within this week.

Mercado said the closure order stemmed from the same nature of the KTV bar’s operation.

On December 30, 2013, the city government shut down the Las Vegas Music Lounge for violating City Ordinance 1408, which prohibits indecent and lewd shows in bars.

Las Vegas Music Lounge has been allegedly operating as KTV bar since October this year under its new name, East Paris KTV Bar.

Under City Ordinance 1408, any establishment is not allowed to operate a year after it was closed with the same nature of business.

“Ang grounds sa among closure order kay because they defied the ordinance (C.0. 1408), and ni operate gyod sila nga bisag wala pay usa ka tuig. Nganong wala man gyod sila kahuwat nga hapit naman unta,” Mercado said.

Another year of closure awaits the KTV bar once the order will be served.

East Paris KTV Bar was granted a temporary business permit by the City Treasurer’s Office.

City Treasurer Diwa Cuevas said the office granted the temporary permit after it changed its classification of business, stressing that the establishment has also undergone inspections.

Cuevas said earlier that the KTV bar has applied for business permit twice this year. However, the first attempt was denied by the CCAIB.

Mercado said that the board denied the KTV bar’s application because of the classification of the business.

“Unya sa ikaduha nila nga application, among gipadad-an og letter for a meeting pero ni-operate naman nuon sila,” she said.

A modification was noted in the classification of business between Las Vegas KTV Music Lounge and East Paris KTV Bar based on the database of CTO.

Las Vegas Music Lounge was classified as fast food, sell and serve liquor, and KTV, while the East Paris KTV Bar is classified as restaurant, sell and serve liquor, and for entertainment.

Las Vegas KTV Music Lounge has applied its permit through a certain Royet Ched Malabay, while East Paris KTV Bar’s application was through a certain Ma. Kristina Mondragon. — (FREEMAN)


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