CCCI backs proposal for project contractors

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) expressed its support to the proposed ordinance obliging all project contractors to include in their workforce the unskilled or semi-skilled residents of barangays where the project is undertaken.

This was discussed du-ring the public hearing yesterday on the proposed ordinance requiring “all private contractors and/or subcontractors to whom public works projects have been awarded as well as those undertaking private contracts, to hire at least 20 percent of unskilled/semi-skilled labor and at least 10 percent of the skilled labor requirements for every project to be taken from the available bonafide qualified residents of the barangay wherein the projects are to be underta-ken and providing penalties therefore.”

CCCI representative Ana Marie Cabigas also shared the chamber’s recommendations to City Councilor Alvin Dizon, who is the author of the proposed measure.

The chamber suggested that all barangays should have a master list of the skilled, unskilled, and semi-skilled workers in their respective areas, Cabigas said.

She said that there should also be a trade test or certification from Technical Education and Skills Development Authority for the skilled workers and a clearance for the skilled and unskilled workers.

“A monitoring committee in a barangay level be created to monitor their workers they recommended,” Cabigas said.

Under the proposed measure, Dizon proposed that violators would not be given building permits by the city Office of the Building Official for their businesses.

However, CCCI wants Dizon to expound the penalties if it concurs to Republic Act No. 6685 which is “an act requiring private contractors to whom national, provincial, city and municipal public works projects have been awarded under contract to hire at least fifty percent of the Unskilled and at least thirty percent of the skilled labor Requirements to be taken from the available bona fide residents in the province, city or municipality in which the projects are to be undertaken, and penalizing those who fail to do so.”

Cabigas said that an incentive should be given to the contractors and sub contractors to encourage them to comply to the ordinance “especially in their business permit renewals.”

Dizon said that he will consider all the recommendations of CCCI, adding that he will undertake further consultative meetings with other stakeholders affected before he will draft the final deliberation of the proposed measure.

Cabigas also assured that they will provide statistics as to the number of workers employed in the contractors or subcontractors in Cebu City. — (FREEMAN)

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