Capitol’s dev’t council backs Bantayan management plan

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Provincial Development Council (PDC) executive committee has endorsed to the Regional Development Council the Bantayan Island General Management Plan (BIGMP) during its quarterly meeting yesterday morning at the Capitol.

The plan is seen to help facilitate the recovery efforts of Yolanda-hit areas in Bantayan Island.

“The plan serves as a document to facilitate rehabilitation and recovery initiative for the people in Bantayan Island from the loss of the devastation brought by Yolanda of Nov. 8 last year,” read the newly approved resolution of PDC.

It was the Department of Environment and Natural Resources that crafted the plan, which will be used by the island composing of three towns - Sta. Fe, Madridejos and Bantayan - for the rehab works and as a “tool to de-establish the declaration as a Wilderness Area.”

PDC said the three towns “have reportedly reached the level of development where protected areas have to be properly identified separating them from the present mixed land uses prevailing in the urban areas.”

The PDC executive committee is composed of Provincial Board Member Grecilda Sanchez, Tuburan Mayor Democrito Diamante, Board Member Celestino Martinez III, Samboan Mayor Raymund Joseph Caldero, Bogo City Mayor Celestino Martinez JR and NORFIL Foundation executive director Maria Terasa Nuqui. —  (FREEMAN)

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