Brgys accept dare to put order in two fish port roads

CEBU, Philippines - Officials of Barangays Suba and Sawang Calero in Cebu City have accepted the challenge of the Police Coordinating and Advisory Council for them to enforce order along General Genis and Belgium Streets, which leads to the Pasil Fish Port.

Vice Mayor Edgardo Labella, who heads the city’s peace and order policy-making body Police Coordinating and Advisory Council, earlier challenged both barangays, headed by Barangay Captains Joel Sable (Suba) and Ariel Yburan (Sawang Calero) to strictly enforce a “No Parking Policy” at both sides of the two roads.

The fish market has been transferred already at Pasil Fish Port near the shorelines of Barangay Suba after the old Pasil Fish Market situated along Tupas Street was demolished to give way for the construction of a public plaza.

Labella wants General Genis Street, the road situated beside the police and fire stations, be made one-way for vehicles going towards Pasil Fish Port, while Belgium Street as another one-way road for vehicles going out of the port.

According to Labella, traffic enforcers, barangay tanods and a policeman will be assigned to man a detachment that will be constructed near the seawall, which will serve as a deterrent against people who plan to smuggle prohibited drugs via seashores.

Yburan said motorists who do not have their own parking areas for their vehicles should now start looking for a place because for now on, they will start to strictly implement PCAC’s instruction.

“Problema g’yud na nila kon asa nila i-parking ang ilang mga sakyanan kay dili na man pa-parking-an ang karsada. One-way na ‘sab, bisan trisikad dili na tugotan nga mo-counter flow sa traffic,” Yburan said.

Labella said there is an area near the fish port where trisikad drivers can park their units while waiting for passengers.  (FREEMAN)


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