PB dad pushes for internet café regulation to protect minors

CEBU, Philippines -  A proposed ordinance that regulates the operation of coin-operated computer machines and centers, and internet cafés in the pro-vince is now being pushed in the Provincial Board.

The ordinance, “Minors Internet Café Protection Ordinance,” sponsored by Board member Miguel Antonio Magpale, seeks to protect the minors’ welfare by prohibiting them from viewing and accessing pornographic websites and violent computer games accessible in coin-operated internet cafés.

 Under the proposed ordinance, local government units in the component ci-ties and municipalities in the province would be mandated to incorporate regulatory measures in the renewal of business permits for the computer centers.

Operators of coin-operated computer centers and internet cafés would have to provide a sworn statement that they will set default setting that filter pornographic and violent online games sites, as prere-quisites for the issuance and renewal of business permits.

Apart from these, computer establishments would also be required to post reminders for the minors not to enter the area during school hours.

If proven violating this ordinance, the operators of the coin-operated computer centers and internet cafés would be fined P1, 000 as the first offense, P3,000 for second, and P5,000 for third including the revocation of business permits and license to operate.

The proposed ordinance is now up for the second reading in the PB.

Magpale said that though computer centers serve as resources for educational materials, the minors during school hours tend to be attracted to visit the computer establishments, especially those located near school areas, which can easily be accessed through dropping of coins in a slot.  (FREEMAN)


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