Capitol sacks14 employees tested positive for drug use

CEBU, Philippines - A total of 14 Capitol employees have been dismissed, so far, after they were tested positive for illegal drug use during a series of surprise drug tests conducted by the Cebu Provincial Anti-drug Abuse Council.

CPADAC chief Joey Herrera said one more employee was tested positive in another round of surprise drug test conducted yesterday.

“Fourteen na ang na-dismiss. Casual, outsourced, naa man gani permanent,” said Herrera.

Herrera said that being drug positive is a valid ground for termination from government service.

Since March this year, Governor Hilario Davide III ordered the random drug testing on Capitol employees. In yesterday’s surprise drug test, 119 employees from different departments were summoned to undergo the test but only 103 showed up.

Herrera said that one of the 103 was initially tested positive for shabu use.

The result, however, is still subject to confirmatory test.

Herrera warned those who were present during the flag ceremony but did not show up for the test to prepare a valid reason for their absence.

“They must have a very valid reason not to come here,” Herrera said.

Herrera said there are workers who will be called again for another test, not because they are suspected to be drug users, but because the computer has picked their names.

He said the names that are forwarded to the offices for testing were randomly picked by the computer, not by any person, hence, it is possible that a worker can undergo the test this week and again the following week.

“Considering sa shabu use, that’s good for two to three days. Like kung makabaw na sila nga di sila apil, magsige nalang silag suyop the rest of the year,” Herrera explained.

Herrera said they have only tested 300, so far, of the 3,000 Capitol employees. —/FPL (FREEMAN)


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