Capitol: No demolition at DA today

CEBU, Philippines - Following the giving of ultimatum for illegal settlers occupying vacant buildings at the Department of Agriculture-7 compound, Capitol’s Real Properties Protection Task Force has refuted reports that a demolition will be conducted in the area today.

Loy Anthony Madrigal, chief of Squatting Prevention and Demolition Division, said they are only going to check today if the occupants heeded their advice.

The said occupants were already told to vacate the property before this month ends.

Once the illegal occupants still refuse to leave the area, the task force will seek assistance from the Provincial Legal Office on its next course of action.

“Kung wa gyu’y mohawa, then we have to seek guidance from the legal office. We want them to vacate the area na gyud kay gamiton na sa province,” Madrigal explained.

The property located along M. Velez Street is owned by the provincial government.

The Provincial General Services Office earlier disclosed that Capitol took over the property on July 23, 2010.

Paul Entera, supervising administrative officer of the PGSO, explained only the Office of the Ombudsman, the Supreme Court and the Land Registration Commission are allowed  to utilize the property.

A total of 22 buildings were mounted at the DA-7 compound while only five of it are being utilized by its offices. Six are being padlocked.

An undetermined number of families already occupied the remaining 11 buildings.

There are reportedly 63 informal settlers which have been utilizing some areas in the compound.

Madrigal reported that a notice was also posted by the said occupants stating that they will not vacate the area because the property is still under litigation.

He added that he has already submitted a report regarding the matter to the Provincial Legal Office.

Provincial Legal Officer Orvi Ortega refused to comment on the matter.

“Wa pa man gud ta ka-meeting sa committee nga nag-handle gyud ana. I told Mr. Madrigal to submit report to the legal office so I can look at it and take appropriate action, depende sa assessment nato,” he told reporters.  (FREEMAN)


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