PDEA-7 checking presence of new drug

CEBU, Philippines - The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency-7 is currently verifying the presence of “fly high” illegal drug in Cebu.

The drug is said to have three lethal ingredients—ecstasy, shabu, and a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Once ingested, the drug is said to cause a person to stay awake for three to four days.

Jacquelyn de Guzman of PDEA-National Capital Region was quoted as saying that the drug could lead to three to four days of insomnia, loss of appetite, and hyper-sexuality.

Mark Maramba, PDEA-7 planning and operations chief, declined to divulge more details except confirming that they are indeed closely monitoring the drug in the region.

Superintendent Paul Labra, PoliceRegional Office-7 intelligence chief, said they also knew about the new illegal drug but has so far not received any report on its presence in Cebu.

He said that this new type of illegal drug, which is a cocktail of three drugs, is more lethal than each of its component drugs.

Labra said children of affluent families as of now are the ones who could afford to buy this illegal drug.  (FREEMAN)


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