Crame calls attention of CCPO chief for not wearing uniform

CEBU, Philippines -  For not wearing the prescribed athletic uniform during a fun run on Labor Day, Cebu City Police Office Director, Senior Superintendent   Noli Romana was reprimanded by an official of Camp Crame.

In an interview with OIC Regional Director of the Police Regional Office-7 Senior Superintendent Rolando Ualat, he said he warned Romana after he received an order from Deputy Director General Marcelo Garbo who saw a picture posted on CCPO's account in Twitter showing that Romana was not in proper athletic uniform.

Ualat said that a stern warning is an appropriate sanction for a petty offense like not wearing the prescribed uniform. 

   For his part, Romana confirmed to reporters that he did receive a warning from Ualat but he explained that it was lower than an admonition.

He explained that he had no other uniform that time and he badly wanted to attend the event so he pushed through but he kept a low-profile.

He had his athletic uniforms washed in a laundry service but during the event, the uniforms were not yet ready.

"May 1, wala akong maisuot. I still want to be a part of the celebration, gusto ko maging part kaya nga nagtago ako," he said.

Although he said Crame had given orders to him, they were fair in calling his attention for not wearing the prescribed uniform.

He said he appeared before Ualat and had explained verbally what had happened. (FREEMAN)


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