Locals oppose town's solid waste ordinance

CEBU, Philippines - Some residents of Barangay Lamesa in Balamban town are opposing the approval of a municipal ordinance that requires all of the municipality's solid waste generators dispose their non-biodegradable wastes exclusively at the Lamesa Sanitary Landfill.

In a position paper, Maximo Ripdos, Nestor Lumacang, and Robert Laborte, residents of  Barangay Lamesa, alleged that Balamban Mayor Ace Stefan Binghay and his wife, Vice Mayor Rosario Binghay, failed to comply with the provision of the Republic Act 9003, a policy that adopts systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management programs to ensure protection of the public health and environment.

The residents cited that the dumpsite is not a sanitary landfill but an open dumpsite.

In 2003, the municipal government opened its dumpsite for biodegradable solid wastes. In the same year, Balamban also started utilizing the Lamesa Sanitary Landfill which covers 300 to 500 square meters for the non-biodegradable solid waste.

"They are lacking facilities and technologies to segregate hazardous and/or toxic and non-toxic substances, treatment  facilities for chemicals leaking from solid waste coming from industries in Buanoy, Balamban… This is a clear violation of RA 9003," the residents said in a statement.

The position paper was filed before the Provincial Board and the residents hope that their side would be heard before the body approves the municipal ordinance.

Further, the residents alleged that the landfill has no concrete Local Government Solid Waste Management Plan which is required under RA 9003, before its operation.

They stated that the wastes, which include those from hospitals, are reportedly drained down to the nearby rivers, raising concerns on the health of the residents living nearby.

"Since they are open dump sites, they have become a haven of stray dogs… Smell is so bad from rotten biodegradable waste and dreadful odor from the hazardous chemicals," the residents said.

"Without a systemic disposal and management of solid waste in the dumpsites, oppositors are convinced that the proponents have no concrete Solid Waste Management Plan."

Mayor Binghay was unavailable for comment yesterday.— (FREEMAN)

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