Victims came from rob case hearing: Lawyer, two staff slain in ambush

The body of lawyer Noel Archival lies in the backseat of his SUV (above) which was peppered with bullets in Barangay Corro, Dalaguete town yesterday. Police say his vehicle (left) was shot at more than 30 times. REYNAN VILLENA

CEBU, Philippines - A prominent lawyer and two of his staff were killed after they were ambushed in Dalaguete town, Cebu, yesterday afternoon.

Noel Archival and one of his staff, Candido Miñoza, were killed on the spot after the Ford Escape (YGE 240) they were riding was ambushed in Barangay Coro, Dalaguete, past 1p.m. yesterday. Another of Archival's staff Alejandro Jayme died hours later and Paulo Cortez is still in critical condition.

Archival was returning to Cebu City from a hearing in Dumaguete City Tuesday where he represented Jesuslou Elcarte Alegria, the alleged mastermind behind the robbery of a pawnshop in Dumaguete last year, at the Regional Trial Court Branch 38 in Dumaguete City.

Alegria, 42, a resident of Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur, was arrested after he and several other accomplices still at large, allegedly robbed the Agencia Belen Pawnshop in downtown Dumaguete and escaped with around P5 million in jewelry last year.

The stolen items were later recovered but only Alegria was arrested.

RTC Branch 38 presiding judge Cenon Repollo told reporters that the court proceedings against Alegria in relation to the robbery was the first of a series. A continuation of the hearing was supposedly scheduled on Wednesday; however, it was cancelled as Archival was reportedly set for another court appearance in Camiguin.

Dumaguete City police chief Supt. James Goforth confirmed Archival has been to Dumaguete a number of times to represent Alegria, and previously, a certain Mark Lorenz Solon, a suspected big-time drug pusher who was arrested last December.

Solon and Adams Guivelondo Cuevas, 50, of Barangay Batinguel, Dumaguete, were arrested during a buy-bust operation. They were found with shabu, a hand grenade, and drug paraphernalia.

However, Solon reportedly terminated the services of Archival, Goforth said.

Both Alegria and Solon are currently inmates at the Dumaguete City Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Barangay Bajumpandan.

Goforth said he believes the ambush is most probably related to his job, considering that he is handling high-profile cases.


Dalaguete police chief Insp. Rico Emperwa said Cortez' reported that when they passed Corro, a red Toyota Hi-Lux went ahead of them and a black Toyota Hi-Lux tailed them before the ambush. The red vehicle would not let them overtake and the black one kept driving up close behind them.

After several failed attempts to box them in, Cortez said the black vehicle drove up alongside them and unidentified men inside the vehicle fired at Archival's SUV repeatedly, hitting all four of them.

Archival, who was seated at the right side at the backseat suffered gunshot wounds to the head and torso. Miñoza, sitting the right front seat, was hit in the back and different parts of his body.

Emperwa said the vehicle still rolled on even after Jayme, the driver, had been shot. It went on about 29 meters before stopping with the engine is still running. The red and black vehicles never stopped and went on their way.

Police said that the SUV had 31 bullet holes, they also recovered two M16 rifle slugs from the crime scene.

Almost P40,000 cash was recovered from the lawyer's pocket. Police also recovered a loaded 9mm pistol registered under Archival under the driver's seat.

The victim's brother, Cebu City Councilor Nestor Archival, who was able to come to the scene, could only say "My God" after seeing what happened. He told policemen he wants a speedy investigation into the killing.

Cebu lawyers condemn killing

Mae Elaine Bathan, president of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Cebu City Chapter said she was saddened by the news.

"I am saddened by this news as Atty. Archival is a respectful colleague in our profession and known as a jolly person in and out of our court. This is not the first time that this has happened to a fellow lawyer and the IBP Cebu City Chapter strongly condemns such ruthless killing," she said, adding they are calling the PNP to expedite the investigation.

Former IBP Cebu City Chapter president Earl Bonachita said Archival was one of the most visible lawyers in the courtrooms since he handled many cases. The act of killing was highly condemnable, he added.

Lawyers Filmore Gomos, Cornelio Mercado, Delfin Quilaquil and Cebu Provincial Prosecutor Pepita Jane Petralba said yesterday was a sad day for the Law profession. They described Archival as a jolly person.

Quilaquil said both IBP chapters In Cebu will probably issue a resolution condemning the act of the killing. Archival was a member of the IBP Cebu Province Chapter.

Cases handled

Archival was hired as legal counsel of former Dinagat Island Rep. Ruben Ecleo Jr. in his parricide case. Although Ecleo was eventually convicted for killing his wife, Alona in 2002 by Judge Soliver Peras of Regional Trial Court Branch 10, the legal battle is not yet over as they appealed the conviction.

Aside from being the legal counsel of Ecleo, Archival also handled other controversial cases like the Jaguar KTV case and the one involving the killing of Nursing student Ruby Jade Ruba. — /BRP (FREEMAN)

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