Two children rescued from “abusive” parents

CEBU, Philippines - Two minors were rescued by the police in Barangay Bitoon, Dumanjug last Wednesday after they were chained and locked inside the house by their mother and stepfather.

The children, aged three and five-year-old, were left alone in the house without food.

Police Officer 3 Dionisio Tagupa said a certain Arnel Famor from the Office of the Mayor reported to them the incident. A concerned citizen allegedly reported the child abuse case to the municipal hall.

Tagupa said they immediately verified the information and found the victims locked inside the house. They were also chained to the pillar.

Tagupa said the three-year-old victim had cuts in her ear and nose when rescued by the police. The victim said her stepfather pressed them with pliers. Her elder sister also had injuries in the leg.

"Kung makakita lang ka sa bata makahilak gyud ka kay luoy gyud kaayo sila tan-awn unya ingon ang silingan nga daug-daugon lang kuno na," Tagupa said in a phone interview.

The children were left by their 22-year-old mother and 19-year-old stepfather at 8 a.m. and were rescued by the police past 5 p.m.

The mother and the stepfather were arrested by the police and are now detained at the Dumanjug police station.

The stepfather admitted of clamping the three-year-old girl's ears and nose with pliers allegedly because the girl was very lazy.

The victims are now in custody of the Department of Social Welfare and Development for psychological examination. They will be housed at the Homes for the Girls in Barangay Labangon, Cebu City.

Criminal complaints for violation of the Republic Act 7610 otherwise known as Child Abuse Law will be filed against the mother and the stepfather. (FREEMAN)


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