Cops asked to secure northern Cebu areas

CEBU, Philippines - The Provincial Board has asked the police to patrol the national highway in the northern part of Cebu, from Sogod to Daanbantayan, to secure those who bring relief goods to northern town battered by super typhoon Yolanda.

The board passed the resolution, addressed to Provincial Police chief Sr. Supt. Noel Gillamac, after 4th District Board Member Sun Shimura raised the issue of security.

Shimura said he raised the concern because many donors have asked him how safe it is to bring relief goods to the north, but more so because he has received reports of suspicious persons traveling to the area.

Citing the Facebook post of a certain Rachel Yase, Shimura said some suspicious looking persons reportedly wanted to board the bus Yase was riding in Barangay Lugo, Borbon town as if the persons wanted to get something from the vehicle.

The PB asked the police to patrol the stretch of road from Sogod town to Daanbantayan.

“We are safe and will always be safe while helping our brothers and sisters in the north,” Shimura said.

In relation to relief efforts for typhoon victims, the PB also approved en masse a resolution thanking the business sector and the Cebuanos in general.

“The united efforts of our brothers and sisters in the business sectors and the rest of the Cebuanos have significantly helped the areas greatly affected by the typhoon,” reads the resolution that Shimura sponsored. —/JMO (FREEMAN)

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