Downtown bar live band stopped

CEBU, Philippines - A downtown resto bar was ordered to stop holding live and open-air band after verifying violation on anti-noise ordinance.

City Attorney Jerone Castillo sent a notice October 2 informing Mr. Jer Resto Bar in Sanciangko Street, Barangay Kamagayan of the violations which stemmed from a complaint filed before the office of Kamagayan barangay captain Celestino Avila.

“In this regard, we demand that you immediately cease the holding of a live and open-air band/combo without first securing a Mayor’s Permit from the City of Cebu and without first complying with the requirements as embodied in the Anti-Noise Ordinance of Cebu City,”

The complaint prompted the city government to conduct inspection that verified allegations late last month.

An ocular inspection and verification was conducted on September 21-22, 2013 by the Joint Inspection Team of  the City Treasurer’s Office and indeed, the subject of the complaint was confirmed.

Deficiencies include operating without an approved Mayor’s Business Permit; selling, serving and dispensing liquor and other intoxicating beverages without an approved special permit; and failed to pay the business taxes and fees for the year 2013.

The notice added that subsequent payment of due taxes and securing of permit still does not authorize the resto bar to hold live and open-air band/combo.

Further, the establishment located a few meters from University of San Carlos was ordered to show cause within 72 hours from receipt of notice to convince the city government that the establishment should not be closed.

Castillo yesterday told The Freeman that he has yet to check their records if the establishment has submitted the required reply.

Another resto bar a few meters away from Mr. Jer’s called Kuerks was closed a few months back due to violations of anti-noise and liquor ordinances after becoming controversial following a brawling incident that led to serious injury of one of the involved.

The controversy also dragged the name of comebacking City Councilor Gerry Carillo who was accused of hitting the injured with rock but no legal charges were filed thereafter. — (FREEMAN)

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