PB REGULAR SESSION Heated discussion on salary deduction

CEBU, Philippines - The query of the Provincial Board on the existing memorandum of agreement with the Cebu CFI Community Cooperative turned into a heated discussion.

The PB invited the members of the CFI board to yesterday’s regular session to discuss the MOA between the province and the cooperative on the deduction of salaries of Capitol employees with loans.

Before the matters was discussed, PB Member Grecilda Sanchez, in a privilege speech, raised two important issues involving the position of the body on salary deduction and the two-page statement of CFI published in The Freeman.

Sanchez emphasized that the PB was not motivated by the desire to rescind or terminate the MOA but the purpose of the review is to set policies and guidelines for the proper implementation of the salary deduction procedure.

She expressed disapproval of the CFI’s statement which said: “There is no such ANIMAL as a unilateral contract. One cannot enter into a contract with himself. But every lawyer worth his salt will tell you”.

“Those statements made, were clothed in a language that puts insults to the Provincial Board and were considered derogatory,” Sanchez said.

Board Member Peter John Calderon also questioned the relevance of the published statement when it talked about the alleged smear campaign and demolition job against the CFI before the May 2013 elections.

Coop director, lawyer Lito Astillero, explained that the publication was intended to inform the coop members on the stand of CFI on issues hurled before election to the present.

Astillero said the members have been asking the CFI’s position.

Calderon then asked who the high-ranking provincial official was referred to in the statement.

Astillero repeatedly told the body that they are not referring to anybody although it was a general statement of the CFI.

Vice Governor Agnes Magpale commented that there was something wrong with the grammar in the statement, which Astillero admitted.

Tension went high when CFI director, lawyer Manolette Dinsay, said that it was immaterial for Calderon to ask him many times on when was the last time the two payroll system was being practiced for salary deduction for loans.

“I decide what is material or not, not you,” said Calderon as he pointed to Dinsay.

Capitol consultant, lawyer Jonathan Capanas, pacified the atmosphere when he explained the Cooperative Code which emphasized the independence and autonomy of a cooperative.

“The welfare of the members is of paramount importance,” Capanas said.

Astillero manifested that the CFI is open for discussion with the PB regarding the MOA.  (FREEMAN)

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