Guingona to pour more projects for Cebu

CEBU, Philippines - An administration senator promised to continue pouring in more projects and assistance for the Cebuanos, as he vouched to work harmoniously with the leadership of Cebu Governor Hilario Davide, Jr. and Vice Governor Agnes Magpale.

Senator Teofisto “TG” Guingona III, who was in Cebu the other day, told the media that he believes in the Davide-Magpale administration thus his assistance for the Cebuanos will continue.

Guingona, a senator for three years, said that he already poured in several millions for the Cebuanos in terms of medical assistance especially among indigent patients, and infrastructure projects like school buildings.

“Daghan na ko nahatag for Cebuanos and I will continue this effort in the interest of public service,” Guingona said.

Maria Luisa Belmonte, Guingona’s head for media relations, in a separate statement said that so far, a total of P27.5 million of the latter’s Priority Development Assistance Fund was given for Cebu.

Meanwhile, Guingona filed a bill that seeks to provide effective mechanisms in allowing civil society organizations to participate in crafting the annual national budget.

 Guigona said that “it is high time we encourage non-government organizations and people’s organizations to focus their efforts on the national budget, which is the primary economic and political tool of the government.”

 Guingona explained that Senate Bill No. 75, also known as the “Civil Society Organizations’ Participation in the National Budget Process Act of 2013, is a right step towards transparency as the measure seeks to establish adequate consultation and feedback mechanisms to promote meaningful and effective participation of CSOs in the preparation and authorization of the government’s annual budget.”

 Under the proposed measure, accredited CSOs through their authorized representatives shall be allowed to participate as resource persons in budget hearings to be conducted by the appropriate committees of each House of Congress.

Likewise, the appropriate committees of each House of Congress, the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, shall schedule a hearing day for the presentation of the positions of accredited CSOs on the budget.

  Guingona, in a separate press statement, noted that the bill’s aim is to recognize and encourage citizen group’s direct engagement in the budget process.

 Once approved, this will institutionalize the practice of legislature-civil society collaboration for a people-oriented budget. — (FREEMAN)

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