Ombudsman clears fish warden

CEBU, Philippines - For lack of merit, the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas dismissed the criminal and administrative complaints filed against the deputy fish warden of Barangay Pangan-an, Lapu-Lapu City who was charged with malversation of public funds or property and dishonesty.

Graft investigation and prosecution Officer Corazon Arnado-Carillo found no evidence to hold respondent Virgilio Casiao for the complaint filed by Andres Inoc, a fisherman.

“This office rules in the negative. From the foregoing evidence adduced by the respondent, it appears that contrary to the allegations of the complainants, the subject fishing net was actually turned over to the CFARMC. Rolando Leyson certified that the fishing net is kept in the CFARMC stock room,” the resolution reads.

In his complaint, Inoc said that on November 25, 2008 at around 8:30 a.m. while his group was fishing in the waters of Lapu-lapu City, Casiao and two unidentified men arrived and demanded that he turn over his fishing net and rope to them.

Casiao allegedly told them that the confiscated items will be turned over to the Lapu-Lapu City Hall.

Thereafter, Inoc said that when he inquired at the Office of the City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council (CFARMC) if his fishing net was indeed turned over, Chairman Pepe Beredo issued a certification citing that their office did not issue a receipt for the fishing net which was reportedly worth P10,053.

To support his claim, Inoc attached the certificate issued by Senior Acquaculturist Heliodoro Aparre citing his fishing net was “legal in nature” measuring 3.05 centimeters and also presented the certification issued by Beredo.

In his counter-affidavit, Casiao denied the allegations saying that on the said date, while he was with his two nephews heading to the Office of CFARMC to attend a meeting, they passed by the complainant and his group in the area which serves as home for many fishes including small fishes locally known as “gango”.

“I called their attention and told them not to fish in the said area as they might destroy the gango and kill the young fishes as it was not harvest time yet,” he said.

Casiao said that when he examined the fishing net, he found out that it has very small holes, thus it was illegal. Thereafter, he said he informed Berido but since their meeting was about to start, he was instructed to place the fishing net beside their office. The fishing net was then placed in a stockroom of CFARMC.

Contrary to the statement of the complainant that he did not turn over the fishing net to CFARMC Office, he submitted a certification issued by Leyson, incumbent Chairman of CFARMC that indeed the fishing net was placed in the CFARMC office. (FREEMAN)

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