Slug removed from Casiño’s head

CEBU, Philippines - Assistant city prosecutor Ma. Theresa Casiño yesterday undergone a three-hour operation to remove the bullet slug lodged in her head during a shooting rampage by a Canadian at the Palace of Justice two weeks ago.

Regional State Prosecutor Fernando Gubalane said the operation which started at 7:00 am and lasted until 10:00 am was successful.

Gubalane said Casiño is now recuperating in a private room at a private hospital in Cebu City where she was confined for 15 days now.

He said he does not know yet when will Casiño be discharged, saying it will depend on how fast her recovery would be.

Casiño was shot by John Pope on January 22 at the Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 1 where she is a resident prosecutor. She is handling one of the cases filed against Pope.

Pope also killed Dr. Rene Rafols and Lawyer Jubian Achas inside the MTCC Branch 6.

He shot himself in the head after being neutralized by two policemen.

 Meanwhile, a Mass was held at 11:30 a.m. yesterday inside the Cebu City Prosecutor’s Office. It was celebrated by Fr. Luigi Martinez.

Gubalane said the Mass was offered for the successful operation and for the fast recovery of Casiño.

Gubalane said they still need financial assistance for the hospital bills of the lady prosecutor.  (FREEMAN)


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