Ecleo parricide case Both lawyers question each other’s authority

CEBU, Philippines - Both the prosecution and the defense lawyers have questioned each other’s authority to represent the parricide case against former Dinagat Island Rep. Ruben Ecleo, Jr.

Private prosecutor Kit Enriquez questioned the appearance of lawyer Noel Archival before the court as one of the counsels for Ecleo, who has pending motion for reconsideration on his conviction of the parricide case.

Enriquez said that Archival’s appearance as counsel or Ecleo should be affirmed by the latter. The affirmation however is not possible at this time because Ecleo is in hiding.

Archival likewise questioned Enriquez and the rest of the private prosecutors’ continued appearance citing the limitation in their authority to the civil aspect of the case only.

Archival argued that the private prosecutors can only represent in the aspect of damages and not in the notice of appeal. He explained that the matters pending now before the court is the notice of appeal and the defense’s motion for inhibition against Regional Trial Court Judge Soliver Peras.

Enriquez however contended that they have the authority to continue to represent the case for as long as it is still in the level of the RTC. Despite the heated debates on the authority, the hearing went on.

Archival defended his motive to ask for Peras’ inhibition saying that his client does not anymore trust the court’s impartiality on the case. According to Archival, Peras was biased in his ruling denying his client’s motion for reconsideration.

“It’s now time for you to inhibit from this case,” Archival told Peras.

Peras asked the defense why seek for his inhibition only now when he had already rendered judgment of conviction, Archival said that it was only later that they found out the court’s partiality.

Archival however consoled Peras by saying that they are not accusing him of being a “bad judge” but his client only lost his trust in him.

Peras has directed both parties to file their respective memorandum within 10 days. He said the motion for inhibition as well as the motion for reconsideration will be jointly resolved by him.

Ecleo was previously convicted for killing his wife Alona in 2002. He was sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua or 20 to 40 years imprisonment.—FPL (FREEMAN)

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