
Dear Dr. Jen,

I have so many wrinkles on my forehead and I am still 33 years old. What creams do you suggest to help smoothen the area?


Dear Rachel,

It is never too early to start your anti-wrinkle regimen. The best in the market is still retinol- or tretinoin-based night creams. It can also be supplemented with other ingredients containing anti-oxidants like vitamin C. Mandelic, glycolic and other hydroxyl acids are also beneficial in loosening the dead skin layer and removing very fine lines.

If you want immediate gratification, administering some botox injection could be your ticket.  However, take note that botox should be used minimally to avoid a waxy, frozen expression. Radiofrequency, ultrasound, and other laser procedures will also give you long term benefits.

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Dear Dr. Jen,

I have been worried about warts that are growing on my chest area.  I have read that warts are contagious.  I hear it is very painful to get them removed.  What is another solution for warts?


Dear Guada,

First and foremost, before concluding that it is indeed a wart infection you are having, please have your skin checked by your nearest PDS dermatologist. Similar lesions can look like warts but are not contagious. Dermatosis papulosa nigricans are dark skin tags that can be caused by multiple factors such as sunlight, genetics, friction, etc. These are often mistaken for warts. Seborrheic keratosis, which are genetically inherited, can also look like warts.

All these can be removed under local cream-based anesthesia. The longer the anesthesia stays on the skin, the less you will be able to feel the procedure. Cautery is not your only option. Laser or freezing with liquid nitrogen are also fast and painless.

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