Feng Shui for Victory

V-i-c-t-o-r-y!  In this competitive life we live in, victory is our battle cry! No need for bullshit victory banner in fake Feng Shui when you want to really win. You need the right life energies or chi or Animo for it. How?

In this regard, practice makes perfect sense. The practice of Feng Shui!

Harnessing life energies and fixing your home and office to pick up the right chi is the objective of Feng Shui. To enable you to overcome challenging situations and eventually triumph by achievement of a goal.  And being victorious in that goal.

Energy comes in waves and cycles.  Just like surfing, you need to be prepared with the right chi to catch a good wave! Not all experience victory on demand.  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.  As in surfing, often you let some waves pass you by until the good wave comes along! 

Yes, even with Feng Shui you cannot win it all the time! But you can learn how to turn defeat into cherished victories!

How? With due diligence in navigation of your life energy luck across the seasons of life. And without scrimping. V-i-c-t-o-r-y exacts a price in the market of win or lose.

Just align your doors, beds and cooking appliances with the right Feng Shui vibes! And victory is yours with effortless ease in a moot and academic way!


Congratulations to Governor Gwen Garcia of the Province of Cebu on her victory in the recent election together with her victorious family members in public service.

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