Protection from Colds and Flu

CEBU, Philippines — We’re at that time of the year again. The change of seasons is such a delicate time for our health. Our body’s resistance somehow declines while adapting to changes in environmental temperatures, thus making us highly susceptible to illness.

The transition from sunny to rainy days, or vice versa, greatly increases the incidence of colds and flu. While it’s not always possible to avoid these ailments, health experts recommend simple steps we can take to lessen our chances of getting sick:

Be prepared for unexpected turns of weather.  A raincoat or umbrella should be part of our everyday gear, even at times when it looks like we wouldn’t be needing them. Preparation is always good protection. There are retractable umbrellas and raincoats made of special ultra-thin material that fold neatly to slip into our bag.

Keep out of germ’s way. Simple hand washing can go a long way for our protection. Let us be wary about handshakes and hugs from sickly friends, and wash our hands as often as we can. Better yet, let’s always have one of these easily available hand sanitizers. Some brands come in small packets that are very handy to carry.

Also, let’s be watchful of our hands and what we touch. Rubbing our eyes or putting our hand near the nose or mouth must be avoided; these are the most common ways of allowing germs into our body. Likewise, as much as possible, we must stay off objects that have been handled by people with colds or flu. Viruses can remain active for as long as five days on such things as doorknobs and drinking glasses.

Take lots of vitamins. Vitamins A and C boost the germ-fighting capability of the immune system. A strong immune system is essential in warding off colds and flu. Vitamin A is present in generous quantities in beef liver and in green and yellow vegetables, while citrus juices and fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C. In addition, zinc, found in meats and beans, inhibits the reproductive power of cold-causing viruses, and strengthen the immune system as well.

Vitamins from natural food sources are best, but their laboratory-concocted, food-supplement counterparts (those sold at drug stores in capsule or tablet form) are just as helpful.

Stay in cool places. High temperatures are an ideal breeding condition for many types of germs. If our house interior is uncomfortably warm and dry, plants can help keep it cool by bringing up the humidity level, especially plants that have broad, flat leaves. When the humidity in the home is low – especially so on windy days – the delicate mucous membranes that line our lungs and nasal passages become dry, making them vulnerable to irritation and invasion by cold and flu viruses.

For those who can afford buying a humidifier, have one in the area of the house where you and your family usually spend a lot of time, like the sala and the bedroom. An air-conditioning unit is also good to have, but be sure to use disinfectant spray every so often in order to eliminate germs that may be contained in closed air-conditioned areas.

Exercise. Even if we’re sure our immune system is strong enough to shield us from diseases, regular exercise will help a lot in energizing our body defenses by increasing the production of germ-fighting white blood cells. It also improves blood circulation for better nutrient and oxygen supply to the different parts of the body. Proper nourishment and oxygen help keep the body organs healthy and function properly. Moreover, exercise also tones the muscles and brings about the aesthetic benefit of a shapely form.

The cliché is true: “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” It really helps to fortify our defences before the enemy strikes at us. With precaution and preparation, we can stay healthy and protected from diseases. Even when everyone around us is falling prey to a cold or flu, we don’t have to resign ourselves to being the next victims.

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