Why kids love to play games

CEBU, Philippines - Kids love to play games. Young as they are, kids like to explore possibilities in life by engaging in play. They love pretending to be grownups and assuming make-believe roles. They also love to test the limits of their bodies and minds by playing physical games, especially games that have a bit of adventure.

The kids’ curiosity is very well matched by their bursting physical energies. They can spend whole days in play. The fun they get from the activity makes them crave for more play.

The games that children like to play are not always the ones that are easy. Children like the challenge that games bring them, and the sense of competition too. The natural competitive spirit of kids makes them want to stand out among other kids.

In recent times, the games that kids like to play have become more and more virtual. Examples of these are video games and the PC games. Both types of games attract kids, because these are designed purposely to appeal to the young ones’ innate love for discovery and adventure.

When asked what interests them to play computer games so much, most kids will answer that these games relax them and put them out of their learning and homework pressures. In a way, it is quite true. Nowadays the kids have much pressure with their studies.

And yet the educational system is not to be totally blamed for the growing pressure on kids. School and other educational institutions are simply trying to prepare kids for the growing challenges of modern life. Kids will just have to keep up the demands of the times.

So, kids’ fondness for play tends to lighten up the pressure of school and other burdens of modern living. But kids need to balance the play they engage in; a proper balance should be maintained so that they find the time to recreate and refresh both their minds and their bodies. Physical games are as important as the mental types.

Another reason why children love to play is that the activity often brings them in the company of other kids. If it’s a game, they can form teams with friends and enjoy together. Team members can interact with each other, their minds and bodies working to win the competition.

Many parents get worried when their kids spend so much time at play. And, yes, kids tend to easily forget about time when they’re at play. The parents’ concern is understandable; they do not want their kids to leave out the other important things because of too much play.

Play is the kids’ way of getting to know life better or to test what they know of life so far. But kids also need to understand that there are other things that they must spend time for. Aside from learning school lessons, they also need to learn basic skills in order to get by in the day to day.

Balance is key. Anything done to extremes is not good. Every kid shall learn to allocate time for school, for helping out with the tasks at home, for bonding with the family, and for play – whether its computer game or hide-and-seek.

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