The two angels

Two angels decided to visit a town. They wished to bless a family and provide them with enough wealth and happiness. The angels disguised themselves as two girls with pale and dull appearance.

They picked two houses. The first one was located in the entrance of the town. It was a big house and it appeared like a mansion with many rooms. The girls asked the house owner of the big house to let them stay at his house just for one night as the night was too cold and frightening.

The house owner was too rude and refused. The angels pleaded with the other family members, but not one of them allowed the angels to stay for the night. After pleading for a few minutes, the house owner agreed to let the girls stay at the basement located at the back of the house. The space was so cold and too small for the two girls, who just the same thanked the house owner and proceeded to the basement.

While they were staying at the basement, one angel saw a hollow and a part of the wall broken. She repaired the damaged wall with her magic and covered the space. The second angel, watching, was surprised at what the first one did – why they had to be helpful to a family that was being rude to them.

The two angels left the next morning. On their way, they chose the second home. The house was very compact and located at one corner of the town. The angels asked the woman who opened the door if they could stay there for the night.

The woman cordially invited them in. She told the angels disguised as poor girls to stay at the best room for the night, as they looked very tired. She and her husband offered them food; and after a good meal, the angels slept peacefully.

The next morning the angels heard that the couple’s cow had died during the night. The wife was crying and the husband looked extremely worried, as the cow was the main source of income for the family by providing them cow’s milk to sell to the neighbors.

The second angel was very angry, as it was the first angel who killed the cow. The two of them argued. The first angel said, “I covered the crack and the hollow in the wall at the big mansion! The space had a hidden treasure; but no member of that family was good at heart and so they did not deserve to find it! That is why I covered their treasure. ”

She paused… and then continued, “It was not I who killed the cow. I simply transferred to the cow the death that was approaching the woman and the man. They didn’t deserve to die; they were so kind in offering us shelter and food during a cold night.” 

The second angel was beginning to realize the good act of the first angel, who added to say, “There’s no need to worry about the good couple. I have placed a pot full of gold coins somewhere in their house. They are sure to find that treasure soon and they will make good use of it!” As the sun was up, the two angels thanked the good couple for their kindness, bid them goodbye, and went on their way. 

Everything has two sides. What may appear to be bad on the outside may have a hidden good inside, and vice versa. (

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