The skin in the rain

CEBU, Philippines - The rain, of course, comes as a welcome relief from the hot days. The first showers after a long dry spell tempt everyone to go out and get drenched. It's always a fun and refreshing experience.

But the rains come with its twins. The rainy season also brings various types of illness. Fevers, colds, cough and other waterborne and airborne diseases are common during the rainy days.

At the same time, the humid conditions in between the rains bring on the growth and quick multiplication of various fungi. That's the reason why fungal infections are very common during the rainy season. Bacteria and other germs also breed best in humid environment, and thus the emergence of various skin problems.

The website states that fungal infections usually cause various skin discomforts, like inflammation and itching. The feet are most prone to it - wearing socks regularly and for a long time can cause fungal infection, the website explains, adding that often one may have to walk in dirty waters at one time or another during the rainy season. This can encourage various fungal infections, which can affect the toes and the nails. So, the website advises, better to avoid walking in dirty waters as much as possible.

The best thing to do to avoid skin problems - on the feet and elsewhere on the body - is to keep it dry and clean always. This is not always possible, though, especially during the rainy days. For prevention of fungal skin infection and other skin problems during the rainy season, suggests the following:

Consider sunscreen. Most people may think there's no need to apply sunscreen when going out on an overcast or cloudy day. But the ultraviolet rays of the sun can still damage the skin and cause various skin problems. So, it is important to apply a sunscreen to protect the skin.

Apply foot and nail cream. The rainy season can cause cracks on the skin of the feet and hands. So, it is important to use good quality foot and nail cream during this time. The cream shall be applied every day at night before going to sleep. This will prevent skin cracks from appearing skin and keeps the skin fresh and healthy. When the foot skin cracks, germs can develop easily in the cracks, given that the feet are often closest to dirty ground. So, applying good foot and nail cream regularly will help in keeping the feet clean and crack-free.

Let the feet breathe. During the rainy season, wearing socks shall be avoided as much as possible, as these keep the feet humid and cause fungal infections. Instead, footwear that do not cover the feet completely and allow the toes to be free shall be preferred. This way the accumulation of sweat and contacting any fungal infection can be prevented. If wearing socks can't be avoided, then footwear that is airy and allows the feet to breathe shall be worn.

Shower daily. During the rainy season, one may not sweat as much as in the summer. And the water on cloudy days is cooler. So there's the tendency to skip taking a bath. But taking a bath everyday is as important during the rainy days as in hot summers. Otherwise bacteria and fungi may accumulate on the skin and cause various infections. To beat the more pronounced coolness of the water, warm water may be used in taking a bath. Warm water will also help in preventing the bacterial growth.

Use talcum powder. Those that have a tendency to sweat a lot, especially in between the toes, the best way to prevent the feet from getting humid is to use a talcum powder. This helps in controlling the sweat and keeps the feet fresh. Germs find it easy to breed when the environment is humid and sweaty. By keeping the feet sweat free, the growth of germs and an infection can be prevented.

The little hassle in giving the skin extra attention and care in the rainy days need not really be an inconvenience. It can just be a matter of looking at it - instead of viewing it as 'bothering' about oneself, it can be turned into 'pampering' oneself, because one truly deserves it. (FREEMAN)

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