Garden of Thanksgiving

CEBU, Philippines - Pilgrimage – the journey in search for moral or spiritual significance – is a part of religious culture. Many pilgrims or travelers are willing to spend for the journey, especially those who want to rediscover their faith in other places. But with the new “Eukaristiya,” at the Archbishop’s  Residence Compound, along the city’s D. Jakosalem Street, the faithful may pilgrimage just within the city; thus, letting everyone to experience communing with God without going afar.

is a sanctuary for prayer and reflections dedicated to pilgrims, both local and foreign, alike. Located in the Archbishop Residence’s Compound, this garden has several features such as the Entry Gateway, which welcomes every visitor “to the heavenly banquet on earth,” the Eternal Flame, which marks the beginning to the Way of the Cross inside the garden, and the 14 Stations of the Cross, represented by statues depicting Christ’s agony before the Cross and His resurrection.

Just behind the garden is the Cross Tower, a 40-meter monolith structure housing a Cross lit at night. Its design is inspired of the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – one of the Catholic doctrine’s main beliefs. The Cross Tower is connected with the garden through the pathway called Walk on Water, which symbolizes the Sacrament of Baptism. Beside the tower is the Prayer Intention Bells, where pilgrims can “remind themselves of the power prayer.”

The Eukaristiya pilgrimage ends at the Amphitheater, which can accommodate at least 120 people. The beautifully landscaped surroundings give a restful and rejuvenating feeling. Eukaristiya opened last Monday, which inauguration was presided by Papal Legate to the 51st International Eucharistic Congress 2016 - Cebu His Eminence Charles Maung Cardinal Bo, the President of the Pontifical Committee Most Reverend Piero Marini on the International Eucharistic Congresses, and Archbishop Jose S. Palma of Cebu.  (FREEMAN)


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