
CEBU, Philippines - Since the opening of its first art exhibit in 2012, Qube Gallery has been doing a prominent role in Cebu's visual arts arena.

Initially established as an exhibition venue for showcasing the creative ardor of talents from the Visayas and Mindanao, the gallery has since been exposing and promoting Filipino talents to local and international audiences.

As it celebrates its 3rd anniversary this January, Qube is gifting Cebu with a collaborative show with a Manila gallery - an anniversary exhibit that features contemporary works by artists from Metro Manila and also marks the 35th anniversary of Hiraya Gallery.

Titled "35:3," the exhibit presents artworks by talents affianced with Hiraya Gallery, one of Qube's allies in sustaining the dynamism of the country's overall visual arts landscape.

Top-billed by paintings by Julio Jose Austria, Norberto Carating, Randalf Dilla, Mario De Rivera, Alfredo Esquillo, Eric Guazon, Jose Legaspi, and Mark Justiniani, among others, the show encapsulates Hiraya's 35-year history in showcasing the true bravado of Filipino contemporary art.

Matching its presented paintings with newspaper and magazine clippings from various publications and periodicals, the show provides a retrospective look at contemporary art's evolution into the mainstream consciousness of Manila - from the point of view of the art gallery that was there as it happened.

The exhibit also gives a glimpse of the similarities and differences of visual art's evolution and current states in Manila and in Cebu, as well as potentials for the future.

It might come as strange for a Cebu gallery to feature works by Manila talents in its anniversary show, but "35:3" actually fits with the operational philosophy of Qube Gallery - that is, to expand the "cube" that limits creative growth and direction.

Opening on January 14, "35:3" runs until February 2 at Qube Gallery at the Crossroads, Banilad. (FREEMAN)

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