Dark underarms

Dear Dr. Jen,

Good day!  How can I treat my dark underarms?  I have been following steps like not wearing tight clothes, avoiding shaving and even used mild soaps and deo for my pits but it is still dark.  Can you help?


Dear Angela,

Almost every Filipina must have gone through this problem.  You are correct in doing all preventive measures such as not wearing tight clothing, no shaving, etc.

However, if the darkened underarms are already present before undertaking these measures, you must do something to lighten the melanin deposits in the armpits.

Since you do not shave, may I ask if you wax or pluck or have had laser hair removed?  Use of any deodorant after plucking, shaving or waxing can still irritate the skin, thereby causing darkening.  It is good to hold off a day or two before using deodorant.

A gently lightening peel twice a month can help bring about whitening.  I usually couple this with a licorice-based anti-perspirant along with a vitamin C-based cream.  This will gradually lighten the skin in a gentle manner.  Why gradual? It is important not to use instant and harsh whitening chemicals because the underarm has a very thin and sensitive skin.  Anything too abrasive, even scrubbing may darken the area.

Dear Dr. Jen,

My scalp is itchy all the time.  I don't have dandruff at all.  Is it possible to be allergic to the shampoo, hair dye or other hair products that I have been using for two years already?  How can I make the itching go away?


Dear Jason,

Yes, it is very possible to be allergic to all the hair products you have been using, even if it has already been a few years.  The best way to isolate the cause of allergy is to go to your PDS derma and have a patch test done.  This will identify which product (if it is indeed an allergy) is causing you itchiness.  Full examination of your scalp can also rule out other causes of itching such as presence of pimples or lice.

For scalp allergies, treatment will include taking some anti-itch medicine (antihistamine) and removal of the perpetuating allergen.  Avoidance of the target allergen and other like substances for life can ensure no recurrence of the itchiness!

Dr Tan is a fellow of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS). She is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH).  For other information on PDS, check http://www.pds.org.ph/.

If you have any questions or concerns please text, email or call (the Freeman or PSH): 0923 905 2073or <askskinrepublic@gmail.com> or (032) 233 8620 or 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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