A celebration of faith

CEBU, Philippines - In line with the upcoming 51st International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) in January next year in the Cebu, the Art Center of SM City Cebu presents "A Celebration of Faith" - an art exhibit that features a selection of works made by the members of Portrait Artists Society of the Philippines Inc.

Opening on November 19 and ongoing until December 6, the show presents a series of traditional-representational tableaus created with elevated classic painting techniques and styles and framing scenes that depict various manifestations of faith, peace, humility and love.

Top-billed by works depicting fiesta celebrations, individuals in prayer, historical scenes and renderings of various churches in various parts of the province, the principles that are entailed in the Italian chiaroscuro painting technique is a dominant motif in the show.

Though the underscored raison d'etre of the exhibit is the upcoming IEC, its overall presentation also alludes to versatility of classic techniques and styles - proof of "old school art's" affinity to relevance.

The Portrait Artists Society of the Philippines Inc. was established in Cebu in 2012. The organization is committed to uplifting the craft, practice and aesthetics of traditional fine art portraiture.

Chaired by the internationally-famed Rumolo Galicano and comprised of a number of Cebu's top and up-and-coming visual daubers, "A Celebration of Faith" is one of the group's major art exhibitions to-date.

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