Manners in a House of Worship

Good manners and how we treat others in everyday life has changed over the years. This laid back attitude in life and being casual has affected how we live today and how we behave.

Unfortunately, lack of manners is also in our churches and we should not condone this behavior or lower ourselves to it. This kind of behavior is not acceptable and does not belong in church at any time.

When we are at mass or fellowship hall, good manners have to be used at all times. Manners whether at mass or other situations reveal the value we place on God and on each other.

When you attend a church, it is essential that you know the general guidelines and expectations of the organization. Whether you are a member or a guest, you should always be respectful of everything and everyone in attendance. Follow proper protocols and etiquette so you won't draw attention to yourself.

.Do your best to arrive at church before the service starts. There may be a traffic snarl or something else that delays you. If you are late, be as quiet as possible and sit toward the back so you do not interfere with others worshiping.

.In the past, people wore what was considered their "Sunday best," but many congregations have opted for a more casual attire. Whatever the case, never wear anything too tight or revealing. Avoid shiny blings that can be distracting to other worshipers. You are better off wearing understated jewelry.

.Fidgeting, or engaging in casual conversation have no place in church, where the faithful gather to show reverence for and commune with a divine entity. Your words and actions should reflect a desire to honor that entity and the church itself. While each church may differ with regard to correct behavior, showing respect for the church and the other congregants is key to allowing yourself and others to focus on worship.

.Anyone who has a difficult time kneeling may remain seated when the congregation kneels. Just sit slightly forward in your seat to prevent being in the way of the person kneeling behind you.

.If you are encouraged to bring your little ones to church, give them a simple etiquette lesson before you leave the house. Put a picture book or quiet game in your bag in case your child starts to squirm. Most families with small children are more comfortable sitting in the back in case someone needs to get up during the service.

.A sermon can be something which is truly about life and death. It may be an encouraging and uplifting sermon which is so desperately needed to make it through the next day for someone. A crying or a child in tantrum can be a distraction. When this happens, take out the screaming child and attend to her needs.

.Do not fall asleep in church. If you are tired, stay home. Better yet, go to bed earlier on Saturday night and it won't be an issue. If you are struggling to stay awake, which is rude to the priest or pastor, you can make an effort to stay awake by sitting up straight or even wiggling your toes.

.It is generally considered poor form to consume alcohol on church premises, and turning up intoxicated to a church service would be considered disrespectful.

Lastly, always remember that going to a house of worship is a meeting with the Lord. Be prepared, go expecting and ready for learning important lessons for your personal life.

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