
Dear Dr. Jen,

I have really bad acne. What kind of laboratory tests can be done to find out cause of my acne? Also, is the acne related to stress? Thanks.


Dear Gabby,

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions affecting about 85 percent of the population on some degree. You find red bumps, pustules, blackheads, whiteheads on the face, shoulders, chest, back, and even on the head.

Too much oil production, plugged pores, inflammation and bacteria all contribute to acne formation. These are exacerbated by hormonal imbalance, stress, wrong use of cosmetic products and the like.  Even the equipments (helmets, shoulder pads) that may cause friction, heat, rubbing or over-sweating on the skin can make acne worse. Bangs or a certain hairstyle may sometimes be to blame for acne.

Unless your PDS dermatologist is suspecting hormonal imbalance, no test is usually required. Treatment of acne takes a few months. Be patient and let the medicines do its work.

Dear Dr. Jen,

When should I see a dermatologist about a mole? What should I look out for?


Dear Therese,

Most moles stay benign and don't bother us.  If you find changes that include growth, change in shape or color, bleeding and itching then it is time to have it checked.  If your mole is not doing anything but you are still concerned, go to your nearest PDS derma and get some consult anyway.  Your derma may take some measurements and pictures just to have some baseline data.  You can have a yearly skin check for your own peace of mind.

Dr. Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) and is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH). For information on PDS, check For questions or concerns, please text to: 0932 857 7070; or email to:; or call The Freeman: (032) 2531276, or PSH: (032) 233 8620 and 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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