If Dr. Jose P. Rizal were here today

CEBU, Philippines – On Tuesday, December 30, our country celebrates the 118th anniversary of our national hero’s martyrdom at Bagumbayan, now the Luneta. For his 153rd birth anniversary last June 19, an article by Lowel James Anacio was featured in the June 26 issue of The Freeman (p.17) entitled “Dr. Jose P. Rizal in the Book “I Laugh Only.” In his article Mr.Anacio posed a question: “Is the book’s author, Dr. Agustin L. Sollano Jr., not perhaps the reincarnation of our national hero?” I answered that question with my article, also in The Freeman (p.17), “Just Asking,” on July 13.

In preparation for Rizal’s death anniversary, I’m wondering whether, if he were around today, he would be happy at the situation obtaining in his beloved “patria” (fatherland) for which he shed his blood at age 35 so that this country might be freed from the yoke of Spanish rule.

I think he would shake his head in dismay at the changes in our education system.  It seems that the Spanish phrase, “cadacura con sulocura” (every parish priest with his own peculiarities or foolishness) holds true with every Secretary of Education at the helm of MECS–turned-DECS, now DepEd.

To recall, former Education Secretary Albarracin’s battle cry was: “Work is the core of the curriculum.” Former Secretary Soriano’s policy was “Continuous Progression Scheme,” while former Secretary Quisumbing is remembered for her “Values Education.” Then came former Secretary Cariño’s “Magalang Bow,” followed by former Secretary Gloria’s “WOW” (War on Waste) and “SIGA” (School Inside a Garden) etc., by former Sec. Roco’s “BEC” (Basic Education Curriculum) which was revised by R-BEC.

Due to these many changes, some quarters have come up with a new definition of “curriculum” (patterned after the definition of “liturgy,” meaning the participation of the laity or lay people in the activities of the clergy/priests).  According to them, curriculum is the participation of the students and pupils in the confusion of the professors and teachers.

Now comes Sec. Luistro’s “K to 12” curriculum.  I need not add to the numerous objections to this innovation. Sir Dodong Gullas’ recent full page write-up entitled, “K to 12: Producing Uneducated Filipinos” (The Freeman, December 8, p. 16) should be read by our legislators so that they will do something about this new curriculum aggravated  by the devastations wrought by the super typhoon Yolanda and by the 7.2 magnitude mega-earthquake!

Other topics worthy of discussion are the other areas in Filipino society – especially the Church and the Government – that would certainly make Dr. Jose P. Rizal unhappy if he were around today.  Let me conclude by anticipating my heartfelt greetings to my readers: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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