Finding a friend

Once in the coral reef there lived a seahorse named Scott. His family had just recently moved to a particular part of the reef and he didn’t have friends there. And he didn’t make friends with anyone, even if they’d been in the area for a week already.

So Scott decided to explore. His first stop was at the beautiful red corals. There he met a fish. “Hi, what’s your name?” he asked. “Can we be friends?” Scott asked again before the fish could answer.

“No, I don’t want to be friends with you. When I get big, I’ll eat you up,” said the fish. “By the way, my name’s Frankie. Remember that name,” the fish added before swimming away.

No to be discouraged, Scott went farther on. Then he came upon another fish. “What’s your name? Can we be friends?” he asked. “Alice. My name is Alice. But, sorry, my father does not want me to make friends with boys,” said Alice, and then swan away.

A little farther more, Scott came by a seahorse stuck in the rock. “Please, friend, help me,” the poor seahorse pleaded. “I’ve been stuck here for hours already.”

It was music to Scott’s ears to be called “friend.” He quickly disentangled the stuck seahorse. In the end, “Hi, my name is Alvin,” the other seahorse said. “And you, my friend?”

“I’m Scott.” And they became very good friends.

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