Baby’s cues

Babies are different from one another - and yet so similar! Their every cooing, smiling, laughing and even whimpering, crying and screaming leave their parents wondering what message the little ones are trying to convey or what needs they require. Parents sometimes wish that their babies could just talk sooner in order to be able to communicate more clearly. But as babies only communicate in such ambiguous ways, parents need to learn to read the cues to be able to respond better to their babies' needs:

Arches his back. The baby may be experiencing some discomfort and has either gas or acid reflux. Helping the baby burp or picking her up might help the little one feel better. But at around four or five months old, this action can mean that your baby is now ready to roll over!

Cries. One mistake many parents make is feeding their baby every single time he cries. This is wrong! Crying can mean many things such as having gas, having a wet or dirty nappy, wanting to be carried, is sleepy, or of course feeling hungry. It is important for parents to ascertain the reason behind the little one's crying and to respond accordingly.

Looks away. The baby may be trying to communicate that she would like to be left alone, that playtime is over for the moment.

Roots. Turning his head to the side with the mouth open can be a cue that the baby is hungry. Babies normally "root" for a few weeks after birth. This is probably one of the easiest cues to decipher.

Rubs eyes and ears. When the baby begins to use her hands, then she often rubs her eyes and ears when feeling sleepy. This simple cue is now the start of a bedtime routine, making it easily communicated between the baby and the parent.

Startle reflex. Up to around three to four months before this reflex goes away, the baby suddenly spreads out his arms and legs and pull them back in and cry out loud! This is completely normal bearing in mind that inside the womb, to a baby, it was a warmer, tighter and cosier space to be in. The little one may be finding it quite unusual to suddenly have all the space to move freely! In this case, swaddling may help.

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