A Memorable Occasion - A Wedding

CEBU, Philippines - A wedding is the best occasion for close family and friends to celebrate. We are now in a global community where we stay far away from one another for work or residence, and rare are the times for dear ones to physically meet. I have relatives, first cousins, whom I have not met in the last 50 years! True, nearly everyone has an account with Facebook or social networking sites but such interaction are very cold and impersonal.

Today, I write about a memorable event - a wedding, as I was inspired by the column of The Freeman colleague Clarence Paul Oaminal (CEBUPEDIA, 1/10/14) about "the Don Eugenio Alonso Street, in Asturias, Cebu." Eugenio, known also as 'Tan (short for Capitan) Genio, is recognized as the Father of Asturias and following is the genealogy of the Alonso family:

It starts with Antonio Alonso (cousin of Teodora Alonso, mother of Dr. Jose Rizal) and Juana Arambulo. They had a son, Don Eugenio. Eugenio begot Tomas (Congressman, old 6th and 7th district of Cebu); and Tomas begot Francisco; and Francisco begot Thomas; and Thomas (Tommy) begot Paolo Francisco (the bridegroom).

Eugenio also begot Jose (Congressman, old 7th district) and Jose begot Dr. Eugenio (who married Milagros Osmeña); and Dr. Eugenio begot Dr. Raoul, and with all this business of "begots," Clarence Paul Oaminal failed to mention that Jose had another son Nestor who begat Nestor II and thus your favorite food reviewer came into existence.

Back to the wedding. Paolo Francisco Alonso and Flor Marie Bagayas got married on March 15, 2014. The church rites were held at the Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Parish Church in Lahug and the reception followed at the New Oakridge Pavillion on A.S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City. Catering services were provided by Creative Cuisine (No. 9 Juan Luna Ave., Mabolo, 232-5172) and I just knew that I was going to have a good dinner that night.

Besides the Salad Greens and Potato Salad I saw at the Action Table, plump roast Stuffed Turkey was served with the sauces and red currant jellies, of which I made a request to our waiter for a platter to smoothen my Scotch Whiskey. The rest of the guests were happy with their appetizers of Lechon Cebu and so it was indeed "different strokes for different folks."

The main course comprised of Angus Bistik Pilipino, Spare Ribs with Mexican Corn, Seafood Marinara Pasta, Paella Valencia and my favorite dish that night - the Sautéed Fish with white wine shallot sauce. The fillets had crisp exteriors with a creamy sauce and delicious succulent interiors, and I immediately texted my good friend Chef Derek Dytian that the fish was excellent.

The usual for city weddings are for seats to be reserved for guests at reception. It's unlike in wedding receptions in the rural areas where we see an invasion of a whole barrio of relatives - no reservations or even invitations necessary. If the reception is a breakfast affair, relatives to the nth degree will hang around until lunch; and, because "maikug ta" (we're cautious not to look rash), we're always too polite to just let them linger around. Bottles of beer and liquor then appear, accompanied by guitars and videoke set and, viola, soon it is dark and then time again for dinner!

I once asked a cousin, Dr. Raoul Alonso if he had a culture shock in America, where he has resided for half a century. He said he had an easy transition to western life, given that while still here he was already familiar with American food and watched Hollywood movies often.

But he noted certain differences, relating a particular story of a wedding (of another cousin) where he was the "best man." The church was full of guests during the ceremony, and he was certain the reception would cost lots of dollars. To his surprise, there were only a dozen people at the reception.

In the States, the bride's family, excuse me, spends for the reception, and if the bride comes from a working-class family, very few people can be accommodated.


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