What’s vexillology?

CEBU, Philippines - While not exactly as popular as stamp or coin collecting, the study of flags of various shapes and sizes is actually a real thing - and is not something made up by the writers of the hit The Big Bang Theory series, one of the few TV shows that feature a practitioner-of-the-field character in Sheldon Cooper (played by Jim Parsons).

Termed as "vexillology", the study is essentially described to be the "scientific study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags or, by extension, any interest in flags in general" in the book Flags Though the Ages and Across the World (Whitney Smith, 1975, McGraw Hill), defining vexillology as a truly unique field of expertise.

Like most areas of specialized interest, research and study, vexillology has its own share of terminologies and jargons.

Vexillophile would point to someone who simply admires or enjoys flags, as the vexillologist would be someone who engages in the study of flags.

The term vexillography would refer to the art of designing flags, while vexillographer refers to the person who does the designing of flags.

Originally, the study was once considered to be a sub-category or sub-discipline of heraldry, which is widely viewed as the practice of studying, designing, and recording of heraldic badges and coats of arms.

Initially coined by vexillologist Whitney Smith in 1957, the term - along with its associated roster of terminologies and jargons - may be a stranger to most Cebuanos, but if you actually know someone who exhibits an active passion for flags, you won't go wrong in calling him or her a vexillophile. (FREEMAN)

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