Bill Kelly

CEBU, Philippines - Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them.

The need for some practical social guidelines is basic, although the ways  in which we approach the subject may vary. We must try to learn the socially acceptable behavior  no matter what society we move in.

Here's a list of the foods people do get puzzled about and how one  should manage them.

Bacon - Very crisp bacon may be eaten with the fingers, but bacon with any trace of fat must be cut with fork or knife and eaten with the fork.

Cake - sticky cake is eaten with a fork. Dry cake, such as pound, butter or fruit cake, is broken and eaten in small pieces. Small confection cakes served at wedding receptions are eaten with the fingers. Cream puffs, napoleons and eclairs are eaten with a fork.

Spagetti - the only graceful way to eat real Italian spagetti is to eat it with a large soup spoon and a fork. The spoon is placed in the left hand while the right hand uses the fork to separate a few strands and then twirl the spaghetti into a manageable mouthful.

Sandwiches - small tea sandwiches and canapés are taken with the fingers. Double decker club sandwiches are eaten at least with the aid of the knife and fork. They may be cut into fourths and eaten with the fingers.

Watermelon - If served cubed in a compote, it is eaten with a spoon, otherwise eaten with a fork. Seeds are dropped into the cupped hand and placed on the side of the plate.

 Oranges - peeled with a sharp knife, pulled apart into segments and eaten with fingers or fruit fork. Apples and pears are peeled. The sections are then cored and eaten with the fingers or with the fruit fork.

Corn on the Cob - This is only for informal eating and is best eaten on the cob. A long ear may be broken in half  but only a row or so at a time is buttered and seasoned. If the corn is to be cut off the cob, it is  held on one end with the left hand and the kernels cut with a dinner knife.

Chicken - This question has been raised several times. Here's a simple rule. If served on paper use your fingers  but served on china, use utensils. (FREEMAN)

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