Deliciously December!

CEBU, Philippines - You have to admit while we joined the world for the whole month of November with all the volunteering efforts for our devastated brothers and sisters brought by Typhoon Yolanda, at the back our minds were:  what and how to celebrate the Yuletide season? Yes, don't feel guilty. In fact in hindsight, weren't you just glad that you had everything mapped out that when the holidays came around the corner, you were all set and ready to go celebrate!

Or at least I thought I did.

A week prior, I bought the gifts and the list for the Noche Buena feast. Thus, come Christmas Eve, I confidently headed out to a relative's home for an early and bountiful dinner with the hopes of making it back home for before midnight just in time to set food on our table. I did make it alright, only to hit the sack and doze off! Well, to remain true to my Facebook blog: I had too much fun with my friends Jose Cuervo, Rum-Coke, Belvedere Vodka and Johnnie Walker. Needless to say, I missed out on the gift-giving and fireworks at home. But the beauty about being on a December vacation, there is always the Christmas morning to catch up with the family and gorge on leftovers of the Noche Buena.

I guess it would no longer be a surprise to everyone if say, the same thing happened on New Year's Eve. Cheers!


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