Skin Republic

Dear Dr. Jen,

How do I know when I should switch to new skin products? 



Dear Allie,

You know the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?  This applies to skin care products, too.  In most cases, the only thing that prompts patients to change up their regimen is the boredom of buying the same products over a long period of time.  The wonderful advertisements and marketing ploys of every new product are also quite convincing. 


Here's a sensible approach if you do need to switch your skin care products.

You can run through the list about your skin:  is it rough, flaky, or dry?  Then you need to do something about moisturizer or lack of one. 


Is your skin oily, is there a need to wash your face in the middle of the day?  Then you need a  night cream to dry up your over-active oil glands. 


Did you start having whiteheads or pimples with your latest foundation or blusher?  Then time to change your make up to a non-comedogenic one.


Are you getting dark spots?  Then you need a daily sunblock as well as a bleaching cream.


If you find many unopened or barely-used skin care products in your bathroom counter, then chances are you are a product junky. Steel yourself away from media's bombardment of pretty models/actresses that claim such and such from use of a certain cream.  If your skin is looking fine, then don't mess with the products that are working for you. 


Dear Dr. Jen,

I am 55 years old and I have little white heads on my chin. What caused this and how can I get rid of it?  I don't have time to visit a dermatologist.



Dear Sonya,

Some studies argue that jawline or chin area affected by whiteheads or acne are usually hormonal in nature.  This could be true in your case.  Menopause might be upon you and the change in hormones is affecting your skin too.  This is easily  treated by using retinols that will help un-block your whiteheads.  Try to check if you are using a non-comedogenic moisturizer as well.  Using the wrong kind of moisturizer can worsen breakout of whiteheads.



If you have any questions or concerns please text, email or call (the Freeman or PSH): 0932 857 7070 or <> or (032) 233 8620 or 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.


Dr Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS). She is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH).  For other information on PDS, check

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