CFI weds six couples

CEBU, Philippines - With all the talk on reproductive health, morality, and Christian values, it is ironic that one simple fact is being overlooked by most of us, simply because most people could not afford it and that it is becoming a common occurrence.

I am talking about getting the blessing of the church for one’s union – a church wedding.

Marriage is a very sacred affair for Filipinos, most especially for the brides.

It is a very special occasion, where, for a day, they become princesses: dressed in a beautiful gown and to walk down a carpeted aisle with everyone’s attention on them. But more than that, it is even made more special because it finalizes a contract between two individuals before the eyes of God.

This is the reason why, through the efforts of philanthropist Retired Judge Hon. Esperanza F. Garcia, six couples were sponsored by the Cebu CFI Community Cooperative to get the church’s blessing for their union. Some of them have been together for a while, with children already grown up, but the lack of means for a church wedding has left them contented with their union.

“We are giving them a chance to straighten out their lives,” Madame Esperanza told The FREEMAN Lifestyle, adding that while some of them may have been legally married in papers, without the blessing of the church, they continue to “live a life of sin.”

The couples were wed at the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish last December 13 and their reception at the Cebu CFI Coop Building at the Cebu Provincial Capitol Compound.

Those who were wed were Ricky and Gemai Alvarado, Clod and Carina Cubina, Jorge and Loueen Pasilbas, Cris and Rio Garcia, Bobby and Dadi Igpuara, and Silverio and May Cordova.

The only obligation that the couple shouldered was the dress of the bride and the groom’s outfit. CFI took care of the church arrangements, the invitations, and the reception, which includes the food and the program.

Madame Esperanza said that currently this affair is limited to employees of CFI and that there may still be other mass weddings that will be held, just to ensure that all employees of the cooperative who has a partner gets the blessing of the church.

But as for its members, Madame Esperanza said that CFI has more than 80 thousand members all over Visayas and Mindanao. And still it is growing with three more offices opening on the first quarter of 2013. The number may be overwhelming, and considering the cost of a wedding, still, with Madame Esperanza’s high regard for family and Christian values it may not be unlikely. (FREEMAN)

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