Pilita Corrales sings with icons in new album ‘Duets’

In the entertainment world, Ms. Pilita Corrales is one of a kind. She belongs to that pantheon of artists that we can call superbly stellar. She was a pioneer in penetrating the international scene, with distinctions that include being the first female artist to top the Australian pop music charts long before Kylie Minogue and Olivia Newton-John did. At the 1st Tokyo Music Festival in the 70s, Pilita even defeated Newton-John as the Best Performer.

Asia’s Queen of Songs continues to be well-loved for her work, humor, and genuine good nature – not just by audiences, but by her fellow artists. No wonder her colleagues are more than happy to collaborate with her, just like in her latest album called “Duets.”

Vic Sotto graciously accepted Pilita’s invitation for a duet when she approached him during their taping of their GMA-7 sitcom “Vampire Ang Daddy Ko.” Vic’s hit composition, “Ipagpatawad Mo” was the first song she recorded.

The singer also teams up with Concert King Martin Nievera in the song “Ikaw Lang Ang Mamahalin,” and Popstar Princess Sarah Geronimo in “Forever’s Not Enough.” Having a duet with these two other music royalties, Pilita says, “Who knows when this will happen again?”

“Kahit Maputi Na Ang Buhok Ko” is the song shared with Megastar Sharon Cuneta, while “You Are My Song” and “Tell Me” are her collaborations with Asia’s Songbird Regine Velasquez and Joey Albert, respectively.

Before “Duets,” all these songs used to be just something she loved to listen to. “I haven’t done these songs in live shows that I do. So this time I get to do it.”

Also included in the album is Pilita’s signature song, “A Million Thanks To You,” which she does solo.

As for the secret to her career’s longevity, she says it’s “being able to adapt yourself to change.” Indeed, she never fails to entertain her audience with new tricks in every show she does. She, in fact, has tried rapping. “I do a lot of jokes also, and I do Lady Gaga in Tagalog,” she adds.

Ultimately, Pilita’s success boils down to one thing: her love for her work. “Love your profession, you should love your profession,” she stresses. “Whatever you do, do it with your heart and you’ll never go wrong.”

When Viva’s Boss Vic Del Rosario commented that it’s been a while since Pilita last released an album, she raised the idea of coming up with a Visayan album. To her surprise, Boss Vic had something better in mind. “He said, ‘Mag-Duets album ka na lang with all the icons in the music industry,” Pilita recalls. “And I said, ‘My God, definitely!’”

Whatever concerns she had about the difficulty in the scheduling of the artists were assuaged when Boss Vic said, “We can do it.”

With the industry icons on board, the next step was to select the songs. Pilita shares, “What Viva did was to ask the artists what songs they’d want to do with me. I suggested a few also, but actually it was more them. Like Basil, he chose ‘Kapantay ay Langit.’”

Chad Borja, Pilita’s fellow Cebuano, chose the song “Usahay” to give the album a Visayan touch. Pilita reveals that doing the second voice for this love song was particularly challenging, but the result is going to be a real treat for listeners.

Her duet of “Pagdating Ng Panahon” with The Company is likewise something no one has ever heard before. The song’s arrangement has a jazzy feel to it and there’s the addition of Spanish lyrics written by Pilita herself. True to the message of this song composed by the band’s very own Moy Ortiz, the lines she added speak of devotion. “The gist is someone saying ‘I’ll wait until you realize that I’m here,” she says.

Pilita and her guests will perform songs from the album in “Duets: A Million Thanks,” a concert for the benefit of the Mare Foundation. This will be held at the Fiesta Pavillion of the Manila Hotel on November 13.


Allen Dizon is still on cloud nine and for good reason – he just won his first international Best Actor award for the movie “Magkakabaung” (The Coffin Maker) directed by Jason Paul Laxamana, at the 9th Harlem International Film Festival held in New York. Allen’s performance drew praise and was dubbed as a “festival discovery” in the review of a French blogger/film reviewer who had the chance to see his movies “Kamkam” and “Magkakabaung” at the 38th Montreal World Film Festival. His sensitive portrayal in both movies, where he played the leads, earned good notice.

“Magkakabaung” is set to be shown in the Austin Texas Film Series, Hong Kong Asian Film Festival and at the main competition at the 3rd Hanoi International film festival (where a best actor award is up for grabs). Will Allen’s luck hold and garner for him another international Best Actor trophy?

“It is already a big honor for our film to be included in the main competition. When I was in Harlem, I didn’t expect that I would win. I had competition among Brazilians. But I believe in the power of prayer and I promise that in my next movies, I will give my best,” said the dusky-skinned actor.

Allen is set to start filming his newest film titled “Daluyong” (Storm Surge) from the script of Ricky Lee and direction of Mel Chionglo. Here, he will play the role of a priest who will undergo various challenges that would test his faith – he will love a girl, get her pregnant and then he gets accused of committing a crime. It is a very complex role that would surely challenge Allen’s acting ability.

“I am excited with ‘Daluyong’ since this is my reunion movie with Direk Mel and Sir Ricky after ‘Twilight Dancers’ and ‘Lauriana.’ My first local acting award was for ‘Twilight Dancers.’ I won Best Actor at Pasado Awards last year for ‘Lauriana’ so I take my hats off to the Mel Chionglo-Ricky Lee tandem. I am now doing my research for the character. I have friends who are priests whom I get to play tennis with. I am studying how they move, the way they speak. I also read a lot to familiarize myself with the role,” said Allen.

Allen is working for the first time with Diana Zubiri, the 2013 YCC Best Performance winner. “Diana is beautiful and is a very good actress. I am excited that I am finally given the opportunity to work with her. I admire her because she got to finish college even if she was busy with work and that she was raising a family as well. When I graduated from college, I have been in showbiz for two years. It’s a great feeling to have a degree and I know Diana feels the same way. I am urging the people to watch out for ‘Daluyong’ since it is a relevant, timely and important movie.”

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