Nicole Kidman’s loneliest moment

CEBU, Philippines - While some Oscar-winning actors might remember the night their name was called at the Academy Award podium as a lifetime highlight, one actress has publicly acknowledged that the evening actually marked an all-time low for her.

The actress making the surprising disclosure? Nicole Kidman, who dropped the bombshell while speaking to press at the Cannes Film Festival, where she is premiering “Grace of Monaco,” the Grace Kelly biopic which has already been dismissed by Monaco’s royal family. The film chronicles Grace Kelly’s life as a princess, and her reportedly conflicted feelings about wanting to return to Hollywood to act again.

Kidman made the revelation while discussing how, like the Princess, her career highs have not paralleled those in her personal life. “When I won the Oscar, I went home and I didn’t have love in my life,” said Kidman, referring to her best-actress win in 2003 for “The Hours,” which came two years after divorcing Tom Cruise. “That was the most intensely lonely experience in my life.”

“Strangely for me, the greatest highs have coincided with the greatest lows,” she continued. “So (during) my professional highs a lot of times I’ve had personal lows and they’ve collided. That’s always aggravated me that it’s gone that way. I’m hoping one day I can have a professional high and a personal high.” (FREEMAN)

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